Debate Club Format
Classes are 75 minutes and typically take one of two forms.
Format 1: Prepared Debate
Resolutions (issues) are posted 1-2 weeks in advance, giving debaters time to research and prepare their arguments. Meetings start with 15-20 minutes of warm-up activities and instruction about debate formats, argument construction, and persuasive speaking. Debaters are then divided into two teams, proposition and opposition. The proposition team will argue for the resolution and the opposition team will argue against it. Teams are given time in separate breakout rooms to prepare their arguments. Then we get to the exciting part, the debate! The exact format will depend on the number of participants, but typically each team will make their case, respond to the other team's case, and then make final speeches in which they summarize the debate and why their team should win.
When enrollment for a session is greater than six (or an odd number), it may not be possible for every student to participate in the weekly debate. When this happens, students who are not debating will assist with judging, raising questions for the debaters, offering feedback, timekeeping, and so on. If no one volunteers for these alternative roles, I will randomly select who will be debating and who will be performing other duties. Students who do not debate during a session will be given preference when I select debaters the following week.
Format 2: Impromptu Debate
Occasionally, we will have impromptu debates. This means the debaters will not know the resolution until they get to class. Since debaters cannot prepare for impromptu debates ahead of time, they will be given extra planning time with their groups before the debate begins.
Other than that, impromptu debates follow the same format as prepared debates, with each team having opportunities to make their main argument(s), respond to the other team's argument(s), and make closing statements.