Debate Club
(Looking for Philosophy Classes? Go here!)
Welcome! Debate Club meets each week to debate a wide range of topics. The club is geared toward beginner and novice debaters, and provides a great way to develop critical thinking skills, public speaking confidence, and active listening habits.
The Registration Form is at the bottom of this page.
Platform: Google Meet (link sent to your email)
Duration: 75 minutes
Cost: $20 CAD per meeting ($70 CAD monthly subscription)
(Try a class for just $10 with discount code DEBATE10)
Choose a day/time:
Ages 10-13
Tuesdays @ 10:15 am EST (full!)
Tuesdays @ 5 pm EST
Ages 14-18
Fridays @ 10:30 am EST
Wednesdays @ 5 pm EST
Here's what's coming up...
Week 2 (Jan 14-17, 2025)
We will discuss debating tips for beginners and play some fun warm-up games. Each age group will debate a different resolution:
Resolution for ages 10-13: "Invisibility is a better super power than the ability to fly."
Resolution for ages 14-18: "The voting age should be lowered to 16."
Week 3 (Jan 21-24, 2025)
We will discuss debating tips for beginners and play some fun warm-up games. Each age group will debate a different resolution:
Resolution for ages 10-13: "Space exploration is a waste of money."
Resolution for ages 14-18: "Eating factory farmed meat is morally wrong."
Debate Club - One Session
20CA$Students will learn about debate through activities, teamwork, and practiceValid for one week- Use code DEBATE10 at checkout to get $10 off first session
- Learn the fundamentals of debate
- Gain confidence speaking to a group
- Fun and supportive learning environment
- *Join anytime (previous classes NOT required)*
- *Interac E-transfers are available (contact to arrange)*
Debate Club - Monthly Subscription
70CA$Every monthStudents will learn all about debate through activities, teamwork, and practice- Learn the fundamentals of debate
- Gain confidence speaking to a group
- Fun and supportive learning environment
- *Join anytime (previous classes NOT required)*
- *Interac E-transfers are available (contact to arrange)*
Debate and Philosophy Classes
100CA$Every monthSave $30 (23%) per month by combining subscriptions!- The best of both worlds...
- Structured debates and open discussions
- Google Classroom (topic suggestions, discussion boards)
- Both classes foster critical thought and clear communication
- *Join anytime (previous classes NOT required)*
- *Interac E-transfers are available (contact to arrange)*