Treasure Hunt Prisoner's Dilemma Game (working title)
**Get a pen and paper or open a text file on your computer if you want to track the score in each round.**
We will play five rounds.
Each round there will be 12 treasures up for grabs.
Each round consists of three phases: Discussion Phase, Decision Phase, and Treasure Phase.
Discussion Phase:
Players can talk openly in the main meeting room for up to 90 seconds (or less if everyone agrees they are done talking)
Players can tell the truth or lie about whatever they want
Decision Phase:
You will be separated into breakout rooms and given a short amount of time to think.
Each player privately decides whether to "Cooperate" or "Defect".
Gordon will join your breakout room to collect your answer. He will not reveal it to anyone.
Treasure Phase:
Once everyone has made their decision, Gordon will distribute the treasures.
Players will learn what each player chose, but not who each player is (unless they can figure it out)
Here is how the treasures will be distributed:
***Players must cooperate at least twice; those who do not, lose all of their treasures at the end of the game.***
Winner: At the end of 5 rounds, the player with the most treasures wins!